Class Policies | PSYCHOLOGY 2180 (2024)

Course Expectations:

  1. Email is the best way to contact me. Please feel free to reach out if you need help with course materials, if you would like to schedule an appointment with me during office hours, if you know that you will be absent on a certain date, etc. (see below)
  2. Attendance is mandatory. It will account for 5% of your grade. Any known future absences (ex: out of town) must be communicated to me via email as far in advance as possible. This is especially important if you will not be here on the date of an exam. If this is the case, we will arrange for you to take the exam at another time.
  3. Be respectful. This means not interrupting your classmates or criticizing their comments/questions, being on time to class, and keeping phones silent and out of sight during class.

Class Participation:

It is highly encouraged that you participate in class; those students that engage in class discussion tend to do better in this course. There are no dumb questions and even asking a question to clarify can greatly improve your engagement in the course. Video is highly encouraged. If your video is not on, it is very easy to become disengaged in class (and is very embarrassing if I call on you and you’re not there).

Late/Missed Assignments:

  • All written assignments must be submitted to me via email by 11:59pm on the day of the assignment.
    • For example, if a due date is October 3rd, the deadline is 11:59pm on October 3rd. Anything submitted later than that time will receive a 5pt deduction for every day it is late, for up to 3 days.
    • Any assignment turned in later than this will NOT be accepted.
  • If you are late to class on the day of an exam, please come in quietly and begin the exam ASAP.
    • If you miss class on the day of an exam, you must contact me as soon as possible (within 2 days of the exam) to reschedule during my office hours. You must provide a detailed explanation as to why you were absent.
    • Failure to communicate within 2 days of the exam will result in a grade of 0 on that exam.
    • The above policy also applies for observance of a religious holiday; as soon as you know you will be absent on a specific class day, let me know ASAP!!
  • Student Bereavement: Students who experience the death of a loved one must contact the Division of Student Affairs, 2113 Boylan Hall, if they wish to implement either the Standard Bereavement Procedure or the Leave of Absence Bereavement Procedure (see below). The Division of Student Affairs has the right to request a document that verifies the death (e.g., a funeral program or death notice).


I will use Blackboard almost exclusively for assignment/quiz/exam grades, and sometimes to send out announcements related to the course. Before using Blackboard you will need to complete your registration for Blackboard. Please follow the instructions on the link below to complete registration. I will know you have done so when you send me a message via Blackboard.

Academic Integrity:

All CUNY schools and Brooklyn College prohibit academic dishonesty. Exams and assignments are meant to demonstrate your abilities and understanding of the course material. Papers are to be completed individually, and the work must be your own. Cheating (looking at someone else’s exam, using cheat sheets, leaving the room during an exam to look at answers, etc.) will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty will result in a 0 on the assignment in question and further possible penalties as determined by the Academic Integrity Committee. The full CUNY policy can be found at . If you have questions about what constitutes academic dishonesty, please contact me.

Note: I welcome you to take advantage of my office hours if you are having trouble with course material. I DO NOT want any of you to feel like you “have to” copy a classmate because you do not understand something covered in the class.


In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations, students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell ( If students have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services, they must provide the instructor with the course accommodation form and discuss specific accommodation(s) with the instructor.”

Non-Attendance Due to Religious Beliefs:

New York State Education Law (Title I, Article 5, Section 224-a) requires that we “make available to each student who is absent from school, because of his [or her] religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirements which he [or she] may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days.”

Electronic Devices:

Per the Brooklyn College Faculty Handbook, under Classroom Decorum: “To preclude distraction or disruption, it is reasonable to request that electronic devices such as phones, and, in some instances, notebook computers be turned off during the classroom period. Recording is permitted at the

discretion of the instructor. The Office of Student Affairs, 2113 Boylan Hall, ext. 5352, is a resource to report or discuss strategies for dealing with disruptive students in the classroom.” Instructors may request students to acquire permission prior to using a recording device in the classroom. Instructors may request that students inform them of emergencies and the need to use their cell phones in class.

On-Campus Resources:

LEARNING CENTER (1300 Boylan Hall, P: 718.951.5821; E:

“The Learning Center offers students free tutoring, help with writing, supplemental instruction and technological support for courses across the curriculum.”

PERSONAL COUNSELING (0203 James Hall; P: 718.951.5363; E:

Personal counseling is available to Brooklyn College undergraduate and graduate students. A staff of psychologists, counselors and social workers are available to assist students with personal issues or problems they may experience during your academic years. Emergency consultations and referrals to outside services are also provided. Workshops are offered on stress management, time management, test anxiety, etc.”

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (4th FL Library, ITS Entrance; P: 718.951.4357: E:

Contact ITS for all technical issues and questions regarding Brooklyn College e-mail, computers, CUNYfirst, BC WebCentral Portal, Wireless Network Access, and Blackboard.

Academic Calendar:

The full academic calendar for Spring 2021 can be found at

Class Policies | PSYCHOLOGY 2180 (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.